Health and Wellbeing

Health and Wellbeing Enterprise resources

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Challenge 2 – Caterpillar Express
Mini Challenge - Children to invent a way to help patients remember to take their medicine at the right times.
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Ages 7 & 8
Challenge Cards

Work in groups of 5. Only the rubber band can touch or move the cups. If the directions for each challenge are not followed correctly, groups will have to restart that challenge. Check each challenge has been completed correctly before moving on to the next.

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Ages 9 & 10
Coloured Spots

For this activity, a coloured dot will be placed on everyone’s forehead. When the game begins, each person needs to find everyone else with the same-coloured dot and go to the area with the matching-coloured card and form a ‘team’ This must be done without speaking. 

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Ages 9 & 10
Courage presentation
Use the presentation to learn about what it means to be brave and courageous. Think back at how Bertie felt in the book, what was his biggest fear? And how did he overcome it? Use the answers to these questions to encourage the children to think about what they are scared of and how they can be brave and overcome these fears.
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Ages 5 & 6
Directional Langauge
Use this template to support directional language giving examples.
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Ages 7 & 8
Exercise record (HA)
Complete the exercise record, make a prediction of how many of each exercise you can do in 3 minutes. Calculate the total they completed and the difference between their prediction and total.
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Ages 5 & 6
Exercise record (LA)
Complete the exercise record, make a prediction of how many they can do in 3 minutes and record the total number they complete.
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Ages 5 & 6
Family tree
Discuss what the children may already know about families. Use The Bumbles family as an example to speak about families and relationships. The children can then use the information they have learnt and translate this to their own family.
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Ages 5 & 6

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