Language, Literacy and Communication

Language, Literacy and Communication Adnoddau menter

Archwiliwch yr adnoddau gan ddefnyddio’r amryw gategorïau yn dibynnu are eich thema neu’ch deilliannau dysgu dewisol. Gadewch yr hidlydd categori ar ‘POPETH’ os nad oes gennych ddewis penodol neu os hoffech ehangu’r dewis o adnoddau.

Hidlo Adnoddau

Lawrlwytho Adnoddau

Caterpillar Express – Marshmallow Towers – Presentation
Children challenged to make a tower using given criteria (marshmallows and spaghetti) in a set amount of time.
Gweld adnodd
Ages 7 & 8
Caterpillar Express – Marshmallow Towers – Tallest Tower Certificate
Certificate for the children who built the tallest tower.
Gweld adnodd
Ages 7 & 8
Caterpillar Express – Resource Collection

The mini beasts across Honeywood are left worn out after an awful disease makes the bees sick. Many sick bees have been taken to Nightingale Hospital to be looked after by Lady Scarlett and the ladybird nurses. The little bees are so ill that their families are not allowed to come in to see them. To keep them happy, the ladybird nurses read them loving letters and cards written by their families, which are delivered every morning by the caterpillars. The caterpillar family struggle to carry the heavy sacks, so Betsy, Bobby, Blue and Bella use their enterprising skills to design something innovative to make the caterpillars’ lives easier, but will it work?

Gweld adnodd
Ages 7 & 8
Caterpillar Express – Storybook

The mini beasts across Honeywood are left worn out after an awful disease makes the bees sick. Many sick bees have been taken to Nightingale Hospital to be looked after by Lady Scarlett and the ladybird nurses.

The little bees are so ill that their families are not allowed to come in to see them. To keep them happy, the ladybird nurses read them loving letters and cards written by their families, which are delivered every morning by the caterpillars.

The caterpillar family struggle to carry the heavy sacks, so Betsy, Bobby, Blue and Bella use their enterprising skills to design something innovative to make the caterpillars’ lives easier, but will it work?

Gweld adnodd
Ages 7 & 8
Challenge Cards

Work in groups of 5. Only the rubber band can touch or move the cups. If the directions for each challenge are not followed correctly, groups will have to restart that challenge. Check each challenge has been completed correctly before moving on to the next.

Gweld adnodd
Ages 9 & 10
Coloured Spots

For this activity, a coloured dot will be placed on everyone’s forehead. When the game begins, each person needs to find everyone else with the same-coloured dot and go to the area with the matching-coloured card and form a ‘team’ This must be done without speaking. 

Gweld adnodd
Ages 9 & 10
Hard and Soft Skills

You will need to decide as a team how you will sort the cards, giving reasons for your decisions and labelling the categories.

Gweld adnodd
Ages 9 & 10
Job Brainstorm

List all the possible jobs related to this hobby/ interest. Pass the sheet to the next table once the timer goes.

Gweld adnodd
Ages 9 & 10

Lawrlwytho Adnoddau