Enterprising, creative contributors

Enterprising, creative contributors Enterprise resources

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Waggle Dance – Lesson Plan

In groups ask the pupils to think of actions to go with the Waggle Dance lyrics. Each team can perform their version of the Waggle Dance to the rest of the class.

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Ages 5 & 6
Waterproof Shelter
Children set the challenge to build waterproof shelters either in the outdoor area or on a smaller scale at their table.
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Ages 7 & 8
Ways to Pay
Children to name the different ways that people can pay for things and can explain some reasons people might use these ways to pay.
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Ages 7 & 8
Ways to Pay
Use this presentation to teach the children about the various different ways that can be used to pay for things.
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Ages 7 & 8
Ways to Pay Scenarios
Children read the card scenarios and then decide the best method to use to pay.
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Ages 7 & 8
What does a scientist do
Use the videos to learn about what a scientist does, then complete your very own scientific experiment using food colouring and water. Try to make different patterns and colours and be creative with your designs.
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Ages 5 & 6
What is a bee hotel?
Use the presentation to teach the children about what a bee hotel is, where you put a bee hotel and how to know if your bee hotel has guests. This will inspire the children when it comes to designing and making their own bee hotels.
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Ages 5 & 6
What We Spend Money On
Use this template to brainstorm all the different things we spend money on.
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Ages 7 & 8

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