Lesson plan

Lesson plan Enterprise resources

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Teamwork – Lesson Plan

Discuss the importance of working as a team to tackle difficult situations. Just like the bees, the children must help and support each other. Use the activity and presentation to understand what makes a good team and then put this to the test in 6 Bee Brilliant challenges.

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Ages 5 & 6
Video Message
Children to create video messages to send to the bees at the hospital.
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Ages 7 & 8
Waggle Dance
Bees do a happy waggle dance when they go out to collect pollen. Use this lesson to create and choreograph your very own waggle dance. Use our song and lyrics to learn the song and perform your own dance.
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Ages 5 & 6
Waggle Dance – Lesson Plan

In groups ask the pupils to think of actions to go with the Waggle Dance lyrics. Each team can perform their version of the Waggle Dance to the rest of the class.

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Ages 5 & 6
Waterproof Shelter
Children set the challenge to build waterproof shelters either in the outdoor area or on a smaller scale at their table.
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Ages 7 & 8
Ways to Pay
Children to name the different ways that people can pay for things and can explain some reasons people might use these ways to pay.
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Ages 7 & 8
What would you take?
Children will be challenged to devise a disaster survival kit, they will need to decide the best 5 items to take, giving valid reasons for their choices.
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Ages 7 & 8
Who Fills your Heart? – Lesson Plan

Children to think about how Betsy was proud of her sister when she managed to improve her flying skills by practising and being determined. Children to share who supports them and encourages them, therefore filling their heart.

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Ages 5 & 6

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